Since 2013, the D'Alesio Group has supported the "Il Porto dei Piccoli" Association, endorsing its projects and initiatives in the area, to offer families who have experienced illness a few moments of escape and time together.
For over fifteen years, Il Porto dei Bambini has brought entertainment and distraction to children in treatment, involving them every day and transporting them to a world of colours, music, games and learning, so that they are never alone against illness, in the hospital or at home.
In the past few years, the Association had managed to help almost ten thousand children in Liguria, Piemont, Lombardia, Emilia Romagna and Tuscany, helping them discover more about the beautiful sea and the secrets found within the port.
In Livorno, Onlus can regularly be found in the hospital and among their children who have therapy at home.
For more information about the Association, please visit the website: